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    22 September 2011

    Telaga Batu inscription Contents

    INSCRIPTION Lake Stone found in 1935 in Stone Lake, around the cemetery of the kings of Palembang Sabokingking, 2 Ilir, Palembang, no dates to the year. The inscriptions are decorated with the head of this seven-headed cobra consist of 28 lines. FM Schnitger According to this inscription from the 9th century AD or AD-10, but according to JG de Casparis inscriptions are from the mid-7th century AD.
    Form (rupa) is compared with inscription inscription others considered the most artistic and beautiful shaped feet, showing the statue of Srivijaya already have a capable artist. In this site also found a stone that reads sidhayatra (victory or holy journey). It is estimated that this place is an important place of pilgrimage at the time. Judging from perupaan Telaga Batu inscription, which appears is seven and a cobra's head on the bottom rail or the inscription there is a symmetry between the left channel with right and meet in the middle like a water fountain. From the shape and it illustrates two shower perupaan genitals once (hermaphrodite), which when linked with mystical cosmology is a symbol of fertility. This inscription is the only inscription of Srivijaya which not only contains the writings, but also there is a shape or image. The seventh head of a cobra that existed at the top of the stele can be interpreted as an attempt to keep the king of Srivijaya content or text engraved inscription was still obeyed. Today, the Old Malay inscriptions and lettered this Pallawa, stored in the National Museum, Jakarta.

    Telaga Batu inscription text

    (1) om siddham titam hamwan wari AWAI kandra kayet nipaihumpa, amuha an ulu
    (2) tandrum opponent's nauseating nauseating makamatai tandrun hakairu muah kayet nihumpa Unai ume
    (3) Ntem ni wll ulun Haraki Unai cash you wanak mamu rajaputra, prostara, bhupati, senapati, nayata, pratyaya, hajipratyaya, dandanayaka
    (4) .... murddhaka tuha an watakwuruh, addhyaksi nijawarna, vasikarana, kumaramatya, cathabhata, adhikarana, karmma, kayastha, sthapaka, puhawan, waniyaga, pratisara da
    (5) ye hajj Marsi, hulun Hajo, wanak uram niwunuh mamu ye oath of mammam kadaci you wll tida dyaku niwunuh you swear you drohaka tuwi mulam kadasi wanun Luwi marwuddhi yam.

    Translation by G. Coedes:

    Om! Good luck .... You all, no matter how many, the son of the king ..., regents, senapati, Nayaka, pratiyaya, people trust the king, judges, leaders of ... the head of the workers, supervisors low caste, vasikarana, kumaramatya, catabhata, adhikarana ... ... workers, sculptors, skipper, merchants, leaders, ..., and you washerwoman rajadan slave king. You will all die by this curse, if ye are not faithful to me, you will die by the curse. In addition, if you apply as a traitor, in league with the people ...

    Telaga Batu inscription text content is basically also a curse king of Srivijaya to its followers, its magnifying

    The interpretation of the inscription

    Writing engraved on the stele is quite long, but in outline the contents of a curse on anyone who commits a crime in kedatuan Sriwijaya and do not obey the command Datu. Casparis argue that people who called in this inscription are the people who categorized and potentially dangerous to fight the sworn kedatuan Sriwijaya so need.
    Mentioned these people from the king's son (rājaputra), minister (kumārāmātya), regent (bhūpati), commander (Senapati), Council / prominent local figures (Nayaka), royalty (pratyaya), king of subordinates (Hajj pratyaya), judge (dandanayaka), chairman of the workers / laborers (Tuha an vatak = vuruh), low labor supervisor (addhyāksi nījavarna), weapons expert (vāsīkarana), soldiers (cātabhata), officer manager (adhikarana), store employees (kāyastha), craftsmen (sthāpaka ), captain of the ship (puhāvam), peniaga (vaniyāga), the king's servants (Marsi Hajj), and the slave king (hulun Hajj).
    This inscription is one of the most complete curse inscriptions contain the names of government officials. Some historians consider the existence of this inscription, allegedly was the center of Srivijaya in Palembang and officials are sworn it certainly resided in the capital of the kingdom. Soekmono argued on the basis of this inscription is not possible Sriwijaya in Palembang because of the threat information to anyone who curses disobedience to kedatuan, and Minanga proposal as it is called in the inscription Kedukan Hill assumed to be around Temple Barelang as the capital of Srivijaya.

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