• Breaking News

    22 January 2015


    South Sumatra Province is one part of the unitary Republic of Indonesia in its capital city of Palembang. Southern Sumatra is not only rich with heritage tourism and maritime country,
    but also rich with crops and natural resources and minerals , such as coal mines , gold mines , oil and gas , spices and variegated plants , one of the natural wealth The southern seumatera is the precious stone mines . Where to now many mining precious stones that are still hidden . many enthusiasts of both local and foreign who hunt the mines in South Sumatra , especially mine precious stones . Noble stone quarry south Sumatra can be demonstrated even been recognized the world about the uniqueness and beauty of the precious stones , such as Precious Stones River Stone Dareh or Lumut , Blue Sky , Spiritus , Lapender and other types of agate . Price is the price of precious stones ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of millions of dollars . One example Majesty The stone came from South Sumatra : 1. Stone Dareh River: 2. Stone Blue Sky : 3. Stone Spiritus : 4. Stone Lavender : And there are many other types of agate 

    1. Precious Stones Dareh River : 

    2. Blue Sky 

    3. Spritus 

    4. Lavender


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